Friday, December 28, 2007

Great (not so snowy) Christmas

Hi! Christmas was great here in New Mexico. A lot quieter than I'm used to, but still enjoyable. We even put up a Christmas tree and dug out the old ornaments. That may sound normal, but one year we actually drew a tree instead of doing the whole set up. Some may call that lazy, I like to call it nontraditional. haha. Cairo got to play with all kinds of toys and was much of our entertainment. It's back to work now. I work a double shift at the restaurant today and tomorrow. They are long days, but it frees me up to travel for a few days in a row without asking for a bunch of time off. I have a trip to Santa Fe in the works for January, plus a couple close-to-home jaunts. Last week I went to Cloudcroft. It is at 7000 ft. elevation. I slept for most of the ride (I still don't do mornings all that well) and, to my surprise, woke up to several inches of snow!!! It was in the 30s/40s, but sunny and bright. Then, a couple of hours later, we got back near Carlsbad and the thermometer said 69 degrees. Wow. You definitely have to dress for all weather when you go out here. In Cloudcroft we had lunch at a great barbeque joint where I got to get messy fingers and pour on the hot sauce. Mmmm, good stuff. The town looked like an old western town with a bunch of shops lined up for browsing and buying. Driving out, I saw a local ski slope and a couple of deer (and even some turkeys) crossing the road. Not too much different than MI with all of those creatures.

I finally found those pesky cords, so I can include some photos. It's amazing what can get lost when everything comes from one of many boxes banished to a corner. I'm still avoiding them until I actually need something dug out. (By the way, I got all of my lost luggage back! My sleuthing paid off.) I just realized I don't have any photos of the house yet, but I'll work on that. Take care and thanks to everyone that has been checking in on me.

Much love,

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Well written article.